
I was lying on my bed watching the astronomical show after 442 years last night. I don't have a telescope or camera, but I projected a live YouTube broadcast on my LCD screen and compared it with the real moon floating in the distance. So that I don't post those pictures here. I wondered if I could visit there someday. Moonlight in the night sky is always too bright. However, with that red spectrum, I was able to clearly see the amount of the moon, along with the surrounding space. I internalized the figure of the moon being a sphere through my eyes for the first time. That experience was very incredible. It was like I was able to have the opportunity to experience the feeling of being able to gain access to a large space that I had never been to before and connect with something profound.

There was a sense of calm and peace during all that time. And tonight the moon is rising from the east to the south sky immutably. Having seen the moon last night, I believe I can appreciate it more deeply as a more graceful and beautiful natural landscape.

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